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The DARK IS THE HOUR series is a story and a statement that can be applied to the entire world and may well be a harbinger of the future. I wonder if and when the morass of humanity will finally kick away from the dinner table and holler: “No more Jello for me, Ma!” to the established political norms, both left and right, commercialism, and autocratic, arbitrary purveyors of self-less rule, who hold our souls in a vest pocket like so many nickels and dimes. Please don’t assume that I am a socialist; I am no more a communist than I am a capitalist.

It was an eye-opener when I realized that we were held captives, no more than feudal serfs, ever since the dawn of civilization. It was probably religion that first put us all under the yoke of oppression. Sin, condemnation, ostracization, and the threat of everlasting damnation in hell were the ultimate ace in this bizarre game of power, and that hasn’t changed much in 20,000 years (I don’t believe things are going to change anytime soon either, that is if we survive ourselves). Let’s face it; it’s bad when people disagree with one another. The result is arguments, fights, greed, and theft that ultimately, if history is any indicator, ends in war (It is a vicious but boring Mobius loop in which we seem to be stuck). To be sure, humankind is an odd mix, but without this toxic cocktail of civilization, where would we be? It is a conundrum. The fact that we have a sophisticated emotional id complicates it further (I’ve always wondered what the most virulent emotion is, perhaps it is laziness).

Can the answer to the great WHY of it all be as simple as the fact that our eyes are located in the front of our skulls, and we’ve descended from a predator cast? It makes sense when you think about it; only a predator had the means to rise to the apex of the food chain. (When was the last time you witnessed a cow fucking over another cow for a percentage) The big brain was a factor in all this, too. We had that all-important ability to make plans and choose to modify our environment rather than adapt to it through selective evolution.

But I’m crossing a line here; my views are not what’s important; yours are..

what exactly…

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